The University of Bergamo has three open positions in computer science and computer engineering - related to software engineering.

Bergamo is a small city, yet it is very rich in history and culture (see the recent article Salaries follow the rate fixed at the national level (details in the call). A tax benefit is provided to researchers coming from abroad. Additional personal funds are also offered on top of the salary, and several university calls for research funding can also support the researcher for traveling and research collaborations.

1. Research Fellow (assegno di ricerca) PostDoc for 2 years

The position is for a PostDoc research fellow (PhD title is required). Project title: “MISAI - Metodologie di Ingegnerizzazione di Sistemi Autonomi Intelligenti”

Research program

The focus is on “Software Engineering Methodologies of Intelligent Autonomous Systems”. Intelligent autonomous systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles of software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence to design, develop, and validate systems that possess machine learning capabilities, adaptability, and decision-making autonomy. The main objective of intelligent systems engineering is to establish the best processes for creating and developing systems that can internally employ artificial intelligence components. This discipline involves a series of activities ranging from the definition of system requirements and specifications, to the choice of algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques to be used, up to the realization and practical implementation of the system and its validation. The project will explore innovative solutions in different fields, focusing on a rigorous approach with strong methodological and formal foundations. In conclusion, intelligent systems engineering is a discipline that aims to create methodologies and techniques for the realization of autonomous, adaptive and intelligent systems. This rapidly growing field offers ample opportunity for innovation and the application of advanced technologies.


Teaching is not mandatory but if done it will contribute to increase the grant.

Link to the official call: (CODE 5)

Deadline: 3 June 2024

2. Research Fellow (assegno di ricerca) Early Stage for 18 months

The position is for a research fellow (PhD title is NOT required to apply). The ideal candidate is a PhD student who is going to finish in the next few months his/her PhD course - but also students recently graduated at master level is fine.

Research program

The focus is on “Trust assurance of Digital Twins for medical cyber-physical systems”: The grant is funded by the PRIN project SAFEST. The goal of the project is to apply digital twin concepts to software engineering domain, with emphasis on software safety, adaptability, used in combination with formal methods, and for software certification and testing.


Teaching is not mandatory but if done it will contribute to increase the grant.

Link to the official call: (CODE 3)

Deadline: 24th May 2024

Service location: Dalmine (BG) - where the engineering campus @UniBG is located.